Saturday, August 28, 2010

Chillin' in austin

Thank you. Thank you. Most glorious temperature gods for letting me welcome back my old friends threadbare* blue scarf and lime green hoodie. These fiesta-ware colored friends have been hiding in the closet until the temps lowered enough, and it was safe for them to come out. Oh joyous 68 degree Texas morning!!! I love you.

*threadbare- in this context the thin, transparency of the scarf makes it stylish-but threadbare for furniture - still worn out and old

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Job Search in full swing

My job search is back in full swing, since my current gig as a Communications Coordinator ends August 31st. I look forward to heading to Chicago for a week or so of vacation, to return to one of the jobs currently in play in my search.

I am working a Title Manager position at Demand Media
Executive Assistant at LIVESTRONG
Creative Assistant at American Cancer Society
Publications Associate at University of Texas

So many different directions to go in during a job search. I am trying to keep my best networking foot forward, while I pursue my dream of writing, layout and design and photography.

To that extend, I need to follow up with the Milkshake Media and Austin American Statesman jobs I applied for two weeks ago.

There are so many more jobs out now than when I was looking back in April, so this is a good thing!!

The podcast is coming along too.