Sunday, November 21, 2010

The long and winding road leads to...

As soon as I decided to call Austin home, the place slipped away from me. I was hesitant to name it in the first place, as my situation seemed surreal. It is teaching me a lesson in grabbing what you want; it might not be there tomorrow.

One day last August, I am managing our business at the train station and the next I am sweeping a vacant storefront full of dust bunnies. A storefront left empty when our landlords cleared the 543 square feet of our equipment and inventory. They thought that would be the best way to procure their past due rent.

The resulting lawsuit between our two parties held most of my Fall days hostage. Then, before I knew it, I was settled and sipping coffee in Jenny’s backyard on a balmy 60 degree day in December. I really thought I had found my shangri la, but I didn't do anything to make it permanent.

And now time is pressing on me, as my contract expires at the Foundation in December, and I haven’t had much luck securing other work here in Austin. That means I need to expand my job search to incorporate Chicago as well. I am ambivalent about it, since Chicago and I didn’t leave on such good terms. Chicago and I have a relationship like an old married couple who get sick of each other and require a break. It's usually once every ten years.

If needed, I hope we can reconcile. The last time I was in Chicago, things had changed. I noticed I didn’t fit in like I used to. The people seemed more up tight and aggressive then I remember. In Austin, I became accustomed to walking into a restaurant for brunch and being able to find a seat immediately, a 20-minute commute to work and basically a slower pace of life.

Chicago has my friends and family and familiarity. I would look forward to that recognition. That is something I am missing here.

Austin has gotten me a few steps closer to the shiny self I used to be, but Chicago will always be home. My goal, where ever I end up is to find my shiny self. I will be opening up my fate to both cities and we can see who comes out on top.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sorry - you are not a fit.

Okay, so I didn’t get the "tide me over and give me some stability" job at the Foundation. They hired a paralegal with non-profit experience. It is a good thing for them, and I feel like I dodged a bullet.

If I am supposed to be searching out my ideal career and taking chances on finding my life’s work – because I never did it during college or high school. The admin job isn't it. No offense to admin jobs, I have done many. I just think it would slowly kill me inside to organize and structure things for other people all day, when I wanted to accomplish things myself.

Learning from Jenny has bePutting myself first is a lesson, and being an Executive Asst has nothing to do with that. So I move forward with my baby steps towards jobs in writing, photography or radio.

Here is the one I applied for today. Yep, it's in Chicago.

PR Associate

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First Fall-like day here in Texas

Finally, a chill in the air on this fall election day. I warmed myself up with some chicken vegetable soup, homemade of course - in a sandra lee semi-homemade kind of way. Its just a little olive oil, saute some chopped onions, celery and carrots (not baby carrots) then add your favorite chicken broth and simmer three minutes too long and the veggies will get mushy. You want them to have a bit of a bite! Then top it with fresh parsley at the end and toasted, crusty bread.

Yum. I love fall. And now I can enjoy it more the campaign ads disappearing for a while.