Thursday, March 4, 2010

Keep on, keeping on!

Every day I send out two targeted cover letters and resumes. The job search networking group I go to on Fridays, Launch Pad Job Club, says to target each resume and letter to a job specifically. The meetings are helpful, but sometimes hard to be around so many unemployed people in one spot. It's like if you know you are prone to eating crappy food, but want to do better. You should choose to make lunch plans with your friends who eat well, don't plan to eat with the fatties* who wallow in the misery of devouring a whole pizza, after the mozzarella sticks, while debating if dessert is at option. Make better choices.

Anyway, back to sending two targeted resumes a day, I did that in Chicago before I left, and received two job offers, I am hoping to have the same success in Austin. One of the reasons I am in Austin, is because those offers didn't pan out. One was for way too little money, and the other decided to layoff staff instead of hire more.

But I keep on trucking, and am reading Cool Careers for Dummies. They have an interviewing section that helped with yesterday's interview for an Administrative Assistant at Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The interview went well, the Office Manager, Linda already liked me before I came in. She had many interviews that day, and after she seated me, I saw her face light up when she recognized my resume. I almost didn't have to say anything, she acted like she knew me already.

It's not a great fit for me, she mentioned something about keeping the kitchen clean as a job responsibility that left me feeling queasy, but I am open to it, and they are taking 2-3 weeks to figure out their staffing needs. My thank you note, went out yesterday.

The two job hunt lottery winners for today are:
Account Executive - Young & Rubicam Brand
Temp to Hire, Admin Asst through the Temp Agency for an Engineering Firm

Speaking of the lottery, I purchased two chances yesterdays, so I might already be a millionaire. I better go check that...


* I weighed my options (pardon the pun), and "fattie" is the perfect word for what I am trying to convey. I know plenty of people who eat crappy and are rail thin, so please - no need to make the case for that. This is like the N-word for me. A term of endearment (tongue in cheek) if you will. As a fattie, I can use it, and have it not be offensive, but please don't try this at home.

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