Sunday, May 16, 2010

I got a job...

That might be old news to some of you, but the first month was so stressful, I didn't have time to post. I wrote, but no time to edit. Now I make time.

My job is with a Communications department at a foundation, and since I had to sign a confidentialty agreement, I won't be naming the place. I am excited about it, and will catch you up.

It came about in the exact way every career coach I spoke with said it would. Networking. People find jobs through networking over 80% of the time versus, sending blind resumes out over the internet or any other avenue.

I have to agree, because it was getting down to it, and I was branching out into the fields of retail customer service, and waitressing - but with no success there. So I feel you have to know someone to get a job anywhere!

You would think with four years of direct customer service, a family-run florist in town called Freytag's would be interested in me. But they weren't. And I followed up.

Or the Simplicity Wine bar, after I caught the manager and discussed my food service and waitress experience and the fact I have my sanitation license. She seemed interested, and as we were talking, a server called in sick. Maybe this was the wrong move, and made me seem desperate, but I said I could cover the shift tonight if she was short.

She looked happy and confused at the same time. I think her name was Heather. She never called, and it looked like she had her hands full with just day to day stuff as her boyfriend was helping her with the opening duties.

Better I am not at either place, but the night I met Heather and she didn't call - I made a list of everything I wanted in a job:
* Strategic
* Fast paced
* Helping people
* Non-conventional
* Creative exchange of ideas and ability to execute on them
* Well respected place
* Fresh - open minded work force
* Learning each day

and it all came true.

My housemate Jenny passed on an email from her friend who was looking for an admin in the Communications Dept of this foundation. That was a Wednesday, I replied to her on Thursday morning and we met for lunch on Friday. I have press room experience from the Smithsonian, and she actually liked my executive experience and wasn't at all put off by it as others seemed to be.

Before the interview, I made sure my potential boss knew I valued myself and my time and I asked in an email before we met if
1) there were room for advancement
2) if I would be making good contacts
3) if I finished my admin stuff could I work on more challenging communication items.

The answer was yes to all three and I believe she enjoyed my enthusiasm. I told her I was starting to boss people around at my volunteer gig, so I was happy to start taking on some responsibility!

I started the following Wednesday. I promise to catch you up. I miss you.

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