Friday, July 2, 2010

Rainy days, Mondays and ...

holidays in a different cities then my family and friends, always bring me down. Cue the Carpenters. I miss you guys.

Looking forward to this work week ending, and I have to do some pretty serious thinking about where I will be searching for my next job. Sometimes, that is the worst part of your next phase - choosing the your path or destination.

Coincidentally - yesterday, in the waiting area of the chiropracter's office I picked up the original Chicken Soup for the Soul as I sat before my appointment. There was a story about a Girl Scout who was being raised by a single mom, and all she wanted to win was the trip around the world for her mom by being the Scout who sold the most cookies that year. (It's been a long time - but I think our prizes were either a Light Brite or a Barbie Dream House) - really a trip around the world - very glamourous.

Anyway - the moral in that Chicken Soup story was the girl went out each day, dressed for success in her uniform and asked for the sales, she called them investments, each day until she won what she coveted.

So now I need to decide what I want, be honest about it and not chicken away from asking for help to get it. But first - decide what I want. Humm...
Ideas are reporter/photographer
Radio show host
Pantry possibilities host

I like people, helping people and finding out about them. So this is what I want to work that into the career. And I am remembering the feeling you get when you dapple in something that is your "true calling" per Martha Beck in Finding your Own North Star:Claiming the Life you were Meant to Live. Love that book and her.

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