Tuesday, July 20, 2010

thinking versus doing

I am back on the hunt again. The job hunt. My current gig as Communications Coordinator is ending on August 31st. I had hoped when I took the role it would lead to a permanent position at the foundation, but due to budget constraints, that does not seem possible. The good news is that I believe I am a leg up from my previous stint as a job seeker, getting more experience in a field I was interested in and two new references with connections. Both the deputy Director of Communications and the Director are happy to spread the word about my goodness wherever I need an extra boost.

Now my focus needs to be on where I need the boost. I applied for this Account Services Director job last week, and followed up with a voice mail to Linda Powers in HR at Charity Dynamics. Let’s see what that will yield.

The truth is - I need to figure out my goals, and I know I am underemployed here and I am looking for a new role that is more about acting then reacting and more thinking and strategizing then the logistics of doing. At work here I find the doers are the ones made to keep the thinkers on track and organized. On track and organized with travel arrangements and meeting schedules, ordering coffee, drafting correspondence and such. I could have a long career doing things well. Many people making solid livings doing, waitresses, truckers, programmers, executive assistants, and such. They put into action the requests of others. I am a happy doer, and it is so easy. I have decided I would rather be thinking. My mourning period for Entrees By You is over, and the last few months of organizing and taking directions and exceeding expectations have helped me through the transition. Last year at this time, I was thinking sooo much, for so long as a small business owner. And then one day – I was an unemployed, former small business owner. The loss of the business, and our unfulfilled dreams will always sting, but my brain is ready for more challenging work.

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