Tuesday, September 21, 2010

20 hours to hell

Here's a pic of my and Nichole before heading out to the Renegade Craft Fair!

I loved my visit to Chicago. Memphis the "layover" in the inbound trip was beautiful, and Calvin and I had a great time. I didn't realize how nice it would be a share a trip with someone. I am so used to doing things on my own. But it was great. We saw Beale Street, walked by the Mississippi, went to the memorial where MLK was shot - Lorraine Hotel and listened to a bit of the Roots and Blues Fest before heading North.

During my week in Chicago, I saw family and many friends in a low key week of relaxation with Baxter. Just what the doctor ordered for me to get ready and make things happen for me once I returned to Austin.

But before I could be productive in Texas, I had to get back here. And I choose the fastest way possible. Twenty hours of driving straight through. How hard could it be? I like to drive, to think and listen to audio CDs, and my friends Amy and Annette were kind enough to stock pile me with plenty of NPR cds: "This American Life", "Driveway Stories" and my favorite "Hidden Kitchens".

I set the alarm for 5 a.m. Monday morning, and plan to arrive in Austin at 1 a.m. But - as we all know - things don't always go as planned.

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