Friday, January 15, 2010

Baxter coughed it up!

I think. I can only surmise. I was asleep and if any of you have had the pleasure of my overnight company (and don't go immediately to the gutter with that) - but I sleep like a log. A log that is insulated in cushiony, soft blankets and then put in a sound proof chamber, and THEN dropped to the bottom of the ocean. Nothing wakes me.

So how joyous and lovely this morning for me to find at the corner of my bed this lovely pile of half-digested stick. This is it!!! It's out. This is the stick that has been causing Baxter all his heartache and mine. His weasing and gagging, the starting to play and stopped as he is overcome with a coughing attack. Its out! Its gonna be all easy breathing from now on.

I have included a pic of the proud cougher-uper with his prize.
And a close-up of it. This means no surgery for my little
guy and that the scope we (as in the vet performed it and I paid for it) did last week did loosen it up.

I gave him many adoring pets this morning, rubbing his throat because it is probably a little sore and stroking his head in approval. Really - what a relief.

If you have ever experienced some nagging health malady for yourself, or kids, or parents or pets - you know what a relief this is to me. Its the guessing that is the worst. You do invasive procedures and you aren't sure if they will be worth the pain and suffering. I was a wreck the day the specialist vet put him under to do the scope of his nose. And I was heartbroken when she didn't find anything. That was the day I was hoping for a prize. That Dr. Locke would come back from excavating Baxter nasal cavity with a slimy, gross stick she had extracted. But nothing, just some instructions to see if anything was loosen, and it the breathing problems persistent - the next step is a rhinoplasty - where they slice into his nose cartilage and fold it open.

Now - that isn't necessary. Yeah Baxter! Good job.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday's line up - physical training/sewing/writing

I might be overscheduled, but as I try to follow my bliss, I realize I need to start looking at more temp agencies to supplement my income while I follow my North Star.

Today I am overbooked with things that will make me extremely happy - but not necessarily will translate into earning a living.

at 9 a.m. I met with a trainer who will be guiding me to a stronger and healthier body. Although making my "big" lunch of a turkey burger on wheat with spinach, pepper jack cheese, homemade avocado spread (instead of mayo) and thinly sliced tomatoes and onions makes me think I should consider part time work in cooking.

I am leaving momentarily to attend a Sewing Club -they will be making Sewing Caddy. I need to see a demonstration on how to do a bias cut! For the piping on my foot stool cover project. The fabric is red corduroy!

And at 7 p.m. is a Writers group that is supposed to have great speakers. I met the man who organizes it, Aldo, and he seems to have his shit together and a line up of great speakers.

Thursday's line up - physical training/sewing/writing

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Baxter and bowling

So here is a shot of Baxter after the procedure. The rhinoscope that searched inside his left nostril, and when they didn’t she anything they went to the right – and flushed them both. Nothing. He is a little exhausted after the ordeal, and I am confused about what to do next. He still has the chronic weasing/coughing, but the doctor said that would be worse for a couple of days after the procedure. We are hanging onto hope. That now everything in there is loosening up, he will pop something out!

So on a Monday at 1:30 pm – I am in a bowling alley for a career changing networking group. Weird right? I know. I arrived 20 minutes early – because I didn’t know how long it would take to get here. Dart Bowl on Grover.

More weird then me being at a career counseling group that is in a bowling alley, is that people are actually bowling at 1:30 p.m. on a Monday. The sound of the balls hitting the floor and then the pins is actually more relaxing then distracting. And the swipe of the arm to reset them seems melodic. I am enjoying this environment, and there are at least 15 people bowling. What a nice way to break up your day. I see a few solo bowlers, and then 3 teams of friends keeping track of each other.
Hmm – the lone solo bowler by me is cute. And he must be a regular - because people greeted him on his way in. oh la la, he took off his oxford , so maybe he goes back to work after this. That’s right – stretch out that hip. Oh – he is mad at the way the ball smacked to the lacquered floor on his last that frame. He looks good in just a white undershirt and khakis.

Speaking of khakis…
Now that it is closer to our meeting time, more people in their “work” clothes are coming to the career meeting, instead of the casual bowlers in their khakis and golf shirts. Is it really necessary to dress business casual to a counseling group about career changes? Okay – here are some of my peeps dressed in jeans and a top, instead of dress pants and a button down. Write later…

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baxter update

On another note, Baxter saw the specialist yesterday at Central Texas Vet Specialty Hospital. It took two weeks to get the appointment, but I think the doctor can help. She was extremely professional and seemed to have experience with other dogs who have gotten things lodged in their noses. We decided to do a scope on little Baxter, so he can again play ball and not be overcome with what looks like an attack of dry-heaving, but sounds like my Grandpa Yacullo snoring. It’s an ugly sight, and I don’t think he can catch his breath during these episodes which are becoming more frequent.

He hasn’t specifically told me what the problem is, but we communicate. I know something is troubling him, because he is much needier for my attention then before, and he looks at me with those big, trusting, brown eyes, that seem to plea “HELP ME, please” while his little body involuntarily lurches back and forth as it heaves. All I have been able to do is rub his furry back to try and relax him while it happens, but clearly something needs to be done.

So we decided on Thursday to knock him out with drugs and she will scope his nose with her delicate instruments to find the stick lodged in his nose or block his throat and do a type of wash through his nasal cavity to release it. Keep your fingers crossed on that.

And while Baxter’s random stick sounds like a pain to deal with, I am reminded how healthy he is and lucky I am to have him. In that waiting room alone, there was a bulldog named Judge who is only 4 years old and had to have two of his front left toes amputated to prevent his cancer from spreading, a German Shepard mix with hip dysplasia(sp?), and a sheepdog with a cast on his back, right leg from being hit by a car on New Year’s Eve. Yikes.
Still looking for my calling, but yesterday got sidetracked in a day of “errand hell”. The kind of trek that seems like it will be a quick jaunt to the bank and sewing store (I am making a slip cover for a foot stool-more on that home ec project later), but then turned into over 2 hours of searching for a Citibank that would take deposits, you would think they would make it more convenient to take my money, and a sewing store that was open, and that lead to a trip to Hobby Lobby for a cork board in order to start my career options flow-chart and the Violin store to pick up music for my second lesson which is tomorrow .

As a member of the unemployed, I am trying to be frugal with my money, but this thrifty lifestyle is harder to live than I thought it would be. Isn’t running all over town for the best deals really costing more money in gas and time? Yes - I saved $16 by NOT buying the cork board for $24.99 at Target and got it at Hobby Lobby for $9, only to see the same size board on sale in the Staples sampler this week for $5! So yay me for the partial savings, but it leaves me with the pang of failure when I realize I could have done better. I guess don’t beat myself up to much, and I will get the hang of where the bargain shops are, and the best prices. The main take away is steer clear of Target.

I knew that Target charged a premium on things, but I can see now how they blinded me to how much extra I was spending by their clean aisles, colorful displays and one-stop shopping convenience. I do love Target. Where else can you get a candle, new package of sponges, a cute hoodie, a gift for a 8 year old birthday party, a CD and a bag of holiday M&Ms? And some stores have groceries! Now that I see the incremental damage is does to my savings- it will be easier to stay away. Although that red bulls-eye will always have a special place in my heart, and I know deep down I am waiting for the day of reconciliation.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A blog- does this make you think that I think I am self important?

I hope not. This is just a way for me to keep in touch with friends and family, in a way where we are not bombarded with advertisements, "Cocktails at noon" or "which Charlie's Angel are you?", and is less confusing format for me.

The pic is in front of the house I share in Austin with my housemate Jenny. She owns the house. It is a beautiful 3 bedroom place with a lovely kitchen and a huge back yard. There is even a doggie door for Baxter. Training him to use it is another story.

So tune in and comment as you will, while I uproot my life, move to a new city, look for a new job, a boyfriend and fulfillment! If you think it sounds sappy, it does, but I am still going for it! Love you Chicago, but Peace out.

I am off to join a health club and then go to a party where I am acquainted with two people. Wish me luck. I only know 5 people in all of Austin anyone, so most places are full of people I don't know!