Sunday, January 3, 2010

A blog- does this make you think that I think I am self important?

I hope not. This is just a way for me to keep in touch with friends and family, in a way where we are not bombarded with advertisements, "Cocktails at noon" or "which Charlie's Angel are you?", and is less confusing format for me.

The pic is in front of the house I share in Austin with my housemate Jenny. She owns the house. It is a beautiful 3 bedroom place with a lovely kitchen and a huge back yard. There is even a doggie door for Baxter. Training him to use it is another story.

So tune in and comment as you will, while I uproot my life, move to a new city, look for a new job, a boyfriend and fulfillment! If you think it sounds sappy, it does, but I am still going for it! Love you Chicago, but Peace out.

I am off to join a health club and then go to a party where I am acquainted with two people. Wish me luck. I only know 5 people in all of Austin anyone, so most places are full of people I don't know!

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