Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baxter update

On another note, Baxter saw the specialist yesterday at Central Texas Vet Specialty Hospital. It took two weeks to get the appointment, but I think the doctor can help. She was extremely professional and seemed to have experience with other dogs who have gotten things lodged in their noses. We decided to do a scope on little Baxter, so he can again play ball and not be overcome with what looks like an attack of dry-heaving, but sounds like my Grandpa Yacullo snoring. It’s an ugly sight, and I don’t think he can catch his breath during these episodes which are becoming more frequent.

He hasn’t specifically told me what the problem is, but we communicate. I know something is troubling him, because he is much needier for my attention then before, and he looks at me with those big, trusting, brown eyes, that seem to plea “HELP ME, please” while his little body involuntarily lurches back and forth as it heaves. All I have been able to do is rub his furry back to try and relax him while it happens, but clearly something needs to be done.

So we decided on Thursday to knock him out with drugs and she will scope his nose with her delicate instruments to find the stick lodged in his nose or block his throat and do a type of wash through his nasal cavity to release it. Keep your fingers crossed on that.

And while Baxter’s random stick sounds like a pain to deal with, I am reminded how healthy he is and lucky I am to have him. In that waiting room alone, there was a bulldog named Judge who is only 4 years old and had to have two of his front left toes amputated to prevent his cancer from spreading, a German Shepard mix with hip dysplasia(sp?), and a sheepdog with a cast on his back, right leg from being hit by a car on New Year’s Eve. Yikes.

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