Friday, January 15, 2010

Baxter coughed it up!

I think. I can only surmise. I was asleep and if any of you have had the pleasure of my overnight company (and don't go immediately to the gutter with that) - but I sleep like a log. A log that is insulated in cushiony, soft blankets and then put in a sound proof chamber, and THEN dropped to the bottom of the ocean. Nothing wakes me.

So how joyous and lovely this morning for me to find at the corner of my bed this lovely pile of half-digested stick. This is it!!! It's out. This is the stick that has been causing Baxter all his heartache and mine. His weasing and gagging, the starting to play and stopped as he is overcome with a coughing attack. Its out! Its gonna be all easy breathing from now on.

I have included a pic of the proud cougher-uper with his prize.
And a close-up of it. This means no surgery for my little
guy and that the scope we (as in the vet performed it and I paid for it) did last week did loosen it up.

I gave him many adoring pets this morning, rubbing his throat because it is probably a little sore and stroking his head in approval. Really - what a relief.

If you have ever experienced some nagging health malady for yourself, or kids, or parents or pets - you know what a relief this is to me. Its the guessing that is the worst. You do invasive procedures and you aren't sure if they will be worth the pain and suffering. I was a wreck the day the specialist vet put him under to do the scope of his nose. And I was heartbroken when she didn't find anything. That was the day I was hoping for a prize. That Dr. Locke would come back from excavating Baxter nasal cavity with a slimy, gross stick she had extracted. But nothing, just some instructions to see if anything was loosen, and it the breathing problems persistent - the next step is a rhinoplasty - where they slice into his nose cartilage and fold it open.

Now - that isn't necessary. Yeah Baxter! Good job.

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