Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Baxter and bowling

So here is a shot of Baxter after the procedure. The rhinoscope that searched inside his left nostril, and when they didn’t she anything they went to the right – and flushed them both. Nothing. He is a little exhausted after the ordeal, and I am confused about what to do next. He still has the chronic weasing/coughing, but the doctor said that would be worse for a couple of days after the procedure. We are hanging onto hope. That now everything in there is loosening up, he will pop something out!

So on a Monday at 1:30 pm – I am in a bowling alley for a career changing networking group. Weird right? I know. I arrived 20 minutes early – because I didn’t know how long it would take to get here. Dart Bowl on Grover.

More weird then me being at a career counseling group that is in a bowling alley, is that people are actually bowling at 1:30 p.m. on a Monday. The sound of the balls hitting the floor and then the pins is actually more relaxing then distracting. And the swipe of the arm to reset them seems melodic. I am enjoying this environment, and there are at least 15 people bowling. What a nice way to break up your day. I see a few solo bowlers, and then 3 teams of friends keeping track of each other.
Hmm – the lone solo bowler by me is cute. And he must be a regular - because people greeted him on his way in. oh la la, he took off his oxford , so maybe he goes back to work after this. That’s right – stretch out that hip. Oh – he is mad at the way the ball smacked to the lacquered floor on his last that frame. He looks good in just a white undershirt and khakis.

Speaking of khakis…
Now that it is closer to our meeting time, more people in their “work” clothes are coming to the career meeting, instead of the casual bowlers in their khakis and golf shirts. Is it really necessary to dress business casual to a counseling group about career changes? Okay – here are some of my peeps dressed in jeans and a top, instead of dress pants and a button down. Write later…

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