Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Still looking for my calling, but yesterday got sidetracked in a day of “errand hell”. The kind of trek that seems like it will be a quick jaunt to the bank and sewing store (I am making a slip cover for a foot stool-more on that home ec project later), but then turned into over 2 hours of searching for a Citibank that would take deposits, you would think they would make it more convenient to take my money, and a sewing store that was open, and that lead to a trip to Hobby Lobby for a cork board in order to start my career options flow-chart and the Violin store to pick up music for my second lesson which is tomorrow .

As a member of the unemployed, I am trying to be frugal with my money, but this thrifty lifestyle is harder to live than I thought it would be. Isn’t running all over town for the best deals really costing more money in gas and time? Yes - I saved $16 by NOT buying the cork board for $24.99 at Target and got it at Hobby Lobby for $9, only to see the same size board on sale in the Staples sampler this week for $5! So yay me for the partial savings, but it leaves me with the pang of failure when I realize I could have done better. I guess don’t beat myself up to much, and I will get the hang of where the bargain shops are, and the best prices. The main take away is steer clear of Target.

I knew that Target charged a premium on things, but I can see now how they blinded me to how much extra I was spending by their clean aisles, colorful displays and one-stop shopping convenience. I do love Target. Where else can you get a candle, new package of sponges, a cute hoodie, a gift for a 8 year old birthday party, a CD and a bag of holiday M&Ms? And some stores have groceries! Now that I see the incremental damage is does to my savings- it will be easier to stay away. Although that red bulls-eye will always have a special place in my heart, and I know deep down I am waiting for the day of reconciliation.

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